Skookum Barbecue

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We are all Artistic

Sometimes art is created using brushes on canvas and other times it’s made with shovels and condiment bottles. The beautiful thing about art is that it can be anything you desire. There is no limit to the direction or vastness you choose. The worst lie we can ever tell ourselves is that we are not artistic. Art is not meant to be contained in a box or within a margined sheet of paper. Art is messy, ambiguous and mysterious. It should provoke thought and curiosity. We must believe that all of us individually are artists. In order to unlock the full scope of human potential, both sides of our mind must work in symbiosis. When we can reason and explore with all sides of our mind we will begin to reap the exponential reward of the synergy that will surely follow. We are all artistic. We are all artists. We just haven’t been conditioned to see our masterpieces.