Skookum Barbecue

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Water the Plant

Our time is a finite resource. To know what things deserve what little we possess as well as having an awareness of when to give it out is an important skill to obtain. “The grass is always greener where you water it” - Neil Barringham. Our lives and the relationships within them are much like plants. They must be watered in order to grow, the soil must be fed, the garden must be weeded. This is a mistake I have made many times in the past. The assumption that our most valued plant, the one that is capable of delivering a lifetime of fruit can be left unattended with the assumption it will continue to thrive. See for yourself the results of neglecting to quench the thirst of our strongly growing seedlings on a hot summer day. How quickly they wilt and fall over against the barrage of constant heat and sun. Yet as soon as we lovinglingy tend to them, water them, offer them a reprieve against the steady march of solar rays, how quickly they perk back up. The closed blossoms spring forth eager to try again. There is a point however that left unattended long enough, no amount of water or care will ever be able to resuscitate them. If you value the plant it must be cared for. The amount to which the plants are tended to can be the difference between simply sustaining its life and allowing it to thrive forth. Not all plants can receive your full capacity of care, you must choose carefully. The amount of energy each plant receives can be variable throughout different stages in our life but there should always be some plants that receive the full capacity of your attention and tenderness. To always water your own plant as well as the plant of marriage, is to hedge your bet on an immeasurable return on investment. To not be Codependent, but to be completely interdependent. To have a nurtured, balanced relationship is to hold the key to unlocking your full potential. When our home life is stable, secure and fulfilled, we can worry less about our survival and focus more on the potential of our trajectory. This is the springboard that allows us to make massive leaps in every other portion of our lives be it emotionally, financially or psychologically. The plant is far too critical to neglect to be watered. The plant must be watered. Water the plant.